Wednesday, 3 December 2014

escape sennet

Last Thursday we played a reiterated version of Sennett called escape Sennett. This  version was different as it introduced a new mechanic of a monster piece and what this did was changed the mechanic of Sennett from being a competitive game to being more of a cooperative game because instead of playing against your opponent you now play against the monster piece. So what does the monster piece do well the monster piece is very limited when it comes to movement moving 1 along the first row an then move half of what the die had rolled and can't get past the river square. the other pieces objectives is to get of the board this can be done individually so that one piece move each turn or it can be stacked on to an opponent's piece meaning both players can move that piece. also 3 pieces of the same color will prevent the opposite color piece from moving.

1 comment:

  1. Escape Senet is a nice example of how a game designer can apply ideas drawn from contemporary game design to an ancient game.

    You'll have the opportunity to do something similar with one of the ancient games you have studied -- I look forward to seeing what you come up with!
